Customers are the king for every business, to retain the customers, we will have to provide the best experience when they reach the cinema. All the departments have a key role in providing the best customer experience, this starts from booking the tickets to the time they leave the cinema. They might land into many problems when they are on our premises, For example, if the customer bought the ticket, He reaches the cinema but unfortunately, his battery drained out and he is not able to retrieve his ticket. If the management is able to help him validate the ticket and print it from the POS, the customer is happy and we just earned a happy customer. This is one case, there will be many cases with many customers in the cinema. Happy customers are our key to success.
In the series, we are going to show you some functionalities where you can serve the customers in a better way.

Guest Operations
Guest Operations

TechTrailers - E13 - Introduction to Guest Operations !

TechTrailers - E14 - Refunding a transaction !

TechTrailers - E15 - Performing a ticket swap!